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Response to Intervention (RTI)

Big Walnut uses a Response to Intervention (RTI) approach in order to meet the needs of each of our students. The RTI approach involves the early identification and support of students with learning and/or behavioral needs. We understand that early reading and math skills are crucial to a child’s success. Because of this, we are committed to providing intervention support services to any student who is not meeting expectations in these areas. The RTI process begins with high-quality instruction in the general education classroom and the universal screening of all children in order to determine who needs intervention and/or enrichment. The goal of RTI is for the school to intervene, or step in, and help students before they fall too far behind.

  • What grades use the RTI approach? 
    • Grades K-8, with a modified approach in 9-12
  • How often do we screen all students? 
    • 3 times per year in grades K-8
  • What assessments do we use to universally screen all of our K-8 students? 
    • mCLASS (K-3)
    • i-Ready (3-4)
    • STAR (5-8)
  • What research-based programs do we use to deliver intervention services?
    • K-4 Reading: Sonday System, Barton
    • 5-8 Reading: Sonday System, Barton, Making Connections
    • K-8 Math: Small group instruction, based on specific skill gaps, delivered by the general education teacher, math tutor, and/or intervention specialist
    • 9-12: RTI Team develops individualized intervention plans for students in need of support
  • Who is responsible for delivering intervention instruction and support?
    • In addition to our intervention specialists at each building, each of our K-8 schools has designated reading and/or math tutors who spend their day teaching small groups of 2-5 students who need additional support.


Jamie Roan
RTI Coordinator
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